Rent a car Krajova - Brza rezervacija

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Datum vraćanja


[email protected]

Rezervacije 24/7 +40 758 25 86 11

Str. Nanterre, nr. 51, Craiova

Quality staff,and good car
Alexandru Martinescu
Alexandru Martinescu
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-31

(Translated by Google) Excellent services at very competitive prices. Alexander very professional. Very comfortable long-distance transfers. (Original) Excelente servicios a precios muy competitivos. Alejandro muy profesional. Traslados largas distancia muy cómodos.
Oa Cabrera
Oa Cabrera
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-29

I had a great experience with renting a car from Autonom. They delivered and picked up the car from the train station as I asked at no extra costs. I got a free upgrade to a bigger and automatic car, the car was in a very good condition. Totally recommend.
Diana Draghici
Diana Draghici
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-22

Masina primita a fost conform descrierii. Actele s-au facut rapid si nu au fost probleme la returnarea masinii. Returnarea garantiei s-a facut pe loc (Translated by Google) The car received was according to the description. The documents were done quickly and there were no problems when returning the car. The return of the guarantee was made on the spot
Cosmin Spahiu
Cosmin Spahiu
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-03

Great service
Dascalu Mihaela
Dascalu Mihaela
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-21

(Translated by Google) New and clean 7-seater car. Excellent price quality. Perfect service, they came to deliver and pick up the car at my location. Advised. (Original) Auto a 7 posti nuova e pulita. Qualità prezzo ottimo. Sevizio perfetto, sono venuti loro a consegnare ed a riprendere la macchina alla mia locazione. Consigliato.
Maury Rossi
Maury Rossi
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-21

Vă mulțumesc pentru serviciul oferit! Am fost foarte mulțumită, personal foarte serviabil și o mașină curată și frumoasă. (Translated by Google) Thank you for your service! I was very satisfied, very helpful staff and a clean and beautiful car.
Veronica Stancescu
Veronica Stancescu
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-19

Well done guys!
lucian chitic
lucian chitic
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-13

Foarte seriosi..recomand cu mare incredere Disponibili si amabili! (Translated by Google) Very serious.. I recommend with great confidence Available and kind!
Mihaela Nicoleta Nicu
Mihaela Nicoleta Nicu
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-10

Pretty straight forward experience, professional staff, new car. Everything went as expected. Thanks
Cristian Costea
Cristian Costea
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-09

They are extremely professional and quick. Very good cars and well maintained- every time i rented from them. Top service!
Luisa Moraru
Luisa Moraru
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-08

O echipa prompta si profesionista. Masini curate si ingrijite. (Translated by Google) A prompt and professional team. Clean and well-maintained cars.
Lorena Lorena
Lorena Lorena
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-16

O echipa faina, mașini foarte ok. (Translated by Google) A great team, very good cars.
Alina Stircu
Alina Stircu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-08

Ce trebuie..restul e covingere.OK (Translated by Google) What is needed.. the rest is covingere. OK
Sorin Barascu
Sorin Barascu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-11-05

Very proffessional services. New cars, well maintained. Easy check-in/out procedures.
Dan Borugu00e3
Dan Borugu00e3
Iznajmljeno od 2022-10-19

Autonom has an excellent client service with experienced and qualified workers! Employees speaks English very well! I truly recommend to rent a car from them! Thumb up! And five star mark for them!
Andrzej Owczarek
Andrzej Owczarek
Iznajmljeno od 2022-09-27

In cateva cuvinte, un tim extraordinar ,serozitate maxima, cu siguranta in viitor voi contacta AUTONOM!!! (Translated by Google) In a few words, an extraordinary team, maximum serosity, I will definitely contact AUTONOM in the future!!!
Carmen Tomescu
Carmen Tomescu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-08-27

Mulțumesc frumos!! (Translated by Google) Thank you very much!!
sirbu mihaela
sirbu mihaela
Iznajmljeno od 2022-08-08

Foarte buni (Translated by Google) Very good
Support Stream Tv
Support Stream Tv
Iznajmljeno od 2022-08-08

Great experience! By far the best value for money in Craiova, perfect quality of service & superior car performance. Thank you very much team Autonom!
Ioana Georgescu
Ioana Georgescu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-05-29

Servicii de cea mai bună calitate!!! Foarte mulțumit de autoturismul închiriat, de amabilitatea și profesionalismul angajaților Autonom Craiova! Recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) Best quality services !!! Very satisfied with the rented car, the kindness and professionalism of Autonom Craiova employees! I recommend with confidence!
Cosmin Croitoru
Cosmin Croitoru
Iznajmljeno od 2022-04-13

Loved my experience at Autonom Craiova! Super-friendly, professional staff, great background and outstanding products . Excellent service. Definitely coming back.
loredana becherescu
loredana becherescu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-03-26

Nr 1 !! (Translated by Google) Number 1 !!
Cristian Nicolae
Cristian Nicolae
Iznajmljeno od 2021-11-05

Bună ziua, Am coordonat un proiect Umanitar și am avut la dispoziție 3 mașini cu Șofer de la Autonom. Personalul a dat dovadă de profesionalism și omenie , au făcut tot posibilul ca ne simțim cât mai confortabil și în siguranță. Mulțumim Stefan,Robert , Dani și Ionuț sunteți exceptionaliiiiiiii ❤❤❤??? (Translated by Google) Hello, I coordinated a Humanitarian project and I had at my disposal 3 cars with Autonomous Driver. The staff showed professionalism and humanity, they did everything possible to make us feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Thank you Stefan, Robert, Dani and Ionuț you are exceptionaliiiiiii ❤❤❤???
Corina Corina
Corina Corina
Iznajmljeno od 2021-07-08

I highly recommend this place. Cooperation with these guys was really great.
Bandzar P
Bandzar P
Iznajmljeno od 2020-08-16

Cea mai serioasă si profesională firma de închiriat mașini din România. Personal de nota 10. Si pentru ca suna mai bine in engleză: “They go the extra mile for their customers”! (Translated by Google) The most serious and professional car rental company in Romania. Staff of note 10. And because it sounds better in English: "They go the extra mile for their customers"!
Iznajmljeno od 2020-02-14

Realy calm place, nice staff very helpfull
aurelia fieraru
aurelia fieraru
Iznajmljeno od 2019-08-13

Masini bune, noi si foarte curate....baietii din firma nota 10...seriosi si mereu alaturi de client. (Translated by Google) Good cars, new and very clean .... the guys from the company grade 10 ... serious and always with the client.
Dragos Anghel
Dragos Anghel
Iznajmljeno od 2019-02-02

Autonom has been a great experience from start to finish. I mostly interacted with the staff at the Craiova location and they were very accommodating and professional at every interaction. The service was phenomenal and price was unmatched by similar agencies in the region. I would highly recommend going with them if in need of a vehicle in Romania. Cheers.
Mike J
Mike J
Iznajmljeno od 2019-01-11

A fost foarte usor de lucrat cu voi. Ati rezolvat fiecare problema rapid si ati fost flexibili si intelegatori. Nu ma asteptam sa primesc asa servicii. Va multumesc! (Translated by Google) It was very easy to work with you. You solved each problem quickly and were flexible and understanding. I did not expect to receive such services. Thank you!
Bogdan V
Bogdan V
Iznajmljeno od 2018-08-28

Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj 18433260 Broj registracije J2006000280271
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave