Am avut nevoie de masina la schimb, Duminica , dupa ce m-a lasat masina mea, in drumul meu spre concediu. A durat aproximativ 30 minute de cand am sunat si pana a ajuns masina la mine. Predarea am facut-o Vineri (dupa 5 zile), cand masina mea a fost gata reparata. Multumesc lui Liviu pentru tot demersul ðŸ™. Multumesc pentru ca mi-a fost salvat concediul ! (Translated by Google) I needed a replacement car on Sunday, after my car left me on my way to vacation. It took about 30 minutes from when I called until the car arrived at my place. I handed it over on Friday (after 5 days), when my car was ready to be repaired. Thanks to Liviu for all the effort ðŸ™. Thank you for saving my vacation!
Felicit echipa Autonom Râmnicu Vâlcea/Pitești pentru profesionalism și promptitudine! Am avut ocazia sa descopăr povestea din spatele brandului Autonom si am rămas surprinsă in cel mai plăcut mod de felul in care angajații au oportunitatea de a se dezvolta in cadrul companiei. Interacțiunea cu angajații din Râmnicu Vâlcea si Pitești m-a impresionat! #Autonom, felicitări pentru ceea ce sunteți si pentru ceea ce faceti! (Translated by Google) I congratulate the Autonom Râmnicu Vâlcea/Pitesti team for their professionalism and promptness! I had the opportunity to discover the story behind the Autonom brand and I was pleasantly surprised by the way employees have the opportunity to develop within the company. The interaction with the employees in Râmnicu Vâlcea and Pitesti impressed me! #Autonom, congratulations for what you are and what you do!
Este o locație excelenta, închirieri la cost mic. Echipa de profesioniști, dispuși sa te ajute și sa îți ofere informații concise si corecte. Cea mai buna companie de rent-a car din România, mașini noi, bune, conform cerințelor clienților. Recomand cu cea mai încredere, de 5 stele (Translated by Google) It is an excellent location, low cost rentals. The team of professionals, willing to help you and provide you with concise and correct information. The best car rental company in Romania, new, good cars, according to customer requirements. I recommend with the utmost confidence, 5 stars
Am apelat la serviciile lor in urma unui eveniment rutier, avand o masina similara (chiar cu un confort sporit fata de masina proprie indisponibilizata), pusa la dispozitie timp de 8 zile si pot sa spun ca am ramas placut surprins de disponibilitatea lor de ati veni in ajutor fara vreo obiectie sau intarziere; Profesionalism, Corectitudine. PS Observ ca au deasemenea oferte OK , si pt alte servicii conexe...cum ar fi programul de asistenta rutiera (cu discounturi generoase ) ! Bravo...echipei Autonom ! Multumesc pentru solicitudinea dovedita, Liviu B ! (Translated by Google) I called on their services after a road accident, having a similar car (even with increased comfort compared to my unavailable car), made available for 8 days and I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by their willingness to come in aid without any objection or delay; Professionalism, Fairness. PS I notice that they also have OK offers, and for other related services...such as the roadside assistance program (with generous discounts)! Well done... the Autonom team! Thank you for your proven solicitude, Liviu B!
Foarte multumita de serviciile autonom din valcea, operatorul care ne a ajutat sa inchiriam masina, Alex a fost foarte amabil, corect, si serviciile au fost foarte eficiente. Am fost foarte multumiti. Recomand (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the autonomous services in Valcea, the operator who helped us rent the car, Alex was very kind, fair, and the services were very efficient. We were very pleased. recommend
Foarte multumiti de experienta , totul in regula si 0 neplaceri . Liviu si Alexandru extrem de implicati si intelegatori . Multumim echipei Autonom (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the experience, everything in order and 0 complaints. Liviu and Alexandru extremely involved and understanding. Thanks to the Autonom team
Foarte mulțumit de serviciile prestate de domnul Liviu Banicioiu , colaborarea a fost excepțională, cu siguranță vom mai apela ! Thumbs up ! (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the services provided by Mr. Liviu Banicioiu, the collaboration was exceptional, we will definitely call again! Thumbs up!
Foarte multumita de serviciile autonom din valcea, operatorul care ne a ajutat sa inchiriam masina, Alex a fost foarte amabil, corect, si serviciile au fost foarte eficiente. Am fost foarte multumiti. Recomand . (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the autonomous services in Valcea, the operator who helped us rent the car, Alex was very kind, fair, and the services were very efficient. We were very pleased. I recommend.
Bună seara! După un drum de mai bine de șase ore, pot spune că sunt mulțumit de călătoria cu Autonom Rm. Vâlcea. Vă mulțumesc! Drugan Constantin (Translated by Google) Good evening! After a journey of more than six hours, I can say that I am satisfied with the journey with Autonom Rm. Vâlcea. Thank you! Drugan Constantin
O echipa profesionista și foarte bine organizata.Va mulțumesc pentru serviciile oferite,pe viitor voi apela cu mare încredere la dumneavoastră. (Translated by Google) A professional and very well organized team. Thank you for the services provided, in the future I will call on you with great confidence.
Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj RO18433260
Broj registracije J27/280/2006
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt
Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave
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