Towards a
sustainable mobility

We are committed to contribute to a better, cleaner, and safer world, a friendly place to enjoy life and work

Considering our future Business Development Plan, we believe it is relevant to review our Sustainability Strategy established in 2021 to show our commitment towards a sustainable development. Our organization's social and environmental responsibility was always a priority and we by far had constant preoccupation in these dimensions.

What we believe in

Autonom's vision is to be an authentic and sustainable business model. We strongly believe in the positive contribution each of us can bring in the local communities and in the environment.

Therefore, our strategy is aligned with the organizational cultural performance matrix and ESG principles.

What we believe in

Our progress so far...

An important milestone was to identify and define our materiality aspects to have a clear view also on deliverables on environment, social and governance levels, but mainly on the impact our approach has on our stakeholders.


  • Energy & Fuel Management
  • Waste Management
  • GHG Emissions & Climate Impact

People & Community

  • Community Involvement
  • Employees Health & Safety
  • Employee Wellbeing & Development
  • Quality Education
  • Equality Diversity & Human Rights
  • Working Conditions

Sustainable Business & Governance

  • Corporate Governance & Compliance
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business Ethics & Transparency
  • Data Security
  • Customer Satisfaction, Selling & Market Practice

Our Sustainability Strategic pillars

Within our Sustainability Strategy, we have set the goals and targets we aim to reach, on the three pillars, as presented below:


Mediul Inconjurator
Friendly with our Planet
  • Reducing our ecological footprint will be driven by a responsible consumption of different resources that we need for our operations;
  • According to climate change awareness, we settled priorities, in order to reduce the Corporate Carbon Footprint.

People & Community

Oameni si Comunitate
Friendly with our People and Community
  • Community involvement represents a big part of what we are engaged in regarding society’s needs; We are developing different kind of actions through Autonom Group, actions closely related to ESG education, sports, youth engagement and general community support
  • Our people are the most important assets for us and we are committed to develop our people thus to have an agile organization.

Sustainable Business & Governence

Afacere Sustenabila si Guvernanta
Friendly with our Partners
  • Our business is driven by values with a strong sense of ethics, transparency and integrity. These being the majos aspects we will follow and respect in all our actions, and the only ways which will lead us to a successful business;
  • We aim to offeer to our customers sustainable mobiility solutions.

Pillar Environment

Reducing the CO2 g/km intensity by 25% until 2025, and 51% until 2030;
Contributing to a circular economy by mitigating paper usage in administrative and operational activities with 10% per year;Assuring 50% recyclability for used oil and tires by 2030;

  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Climate Action
  • Life on Land

Pillar People & Community

Community involvement in the area of education, developing projects with high impact, with investment of minimum 2% of the net profit in community projects;
Evolve. Daily. Personal development of the employees;

  • Quality and Education
  • Decent work and economic growth

Pillar Sustainable Business & Governance

Business driven by transparency and simplicity, empowering the sustainability responsibility.
High rate of client satisfaction (measured by the Net promoter score);
Optimizing resources and processes through digitalization; top 5 in our industry in Romania in terms of Business Visibility and Brand awareness.

  • Partnerships for the goals

Governance Structure
Sustainability Committee

To have a clear governance of our strategic goals and to achieve results we set up a Governance structure to promote sustainable business activities - from strategic planning to operation and implementation.

The following map describes the roles and responsibilities in Autonom to sustain the Sustainability Strategic implementation and further revision of our strategy per internal needs:

Strategic decisions, tracking the SPTs.
Meeting twice per year.

Sustainability Strategic Committee

Members: CEO/CFO/Operational Director
Sustainability manager
Lead by CEO

Operational implementation & decision, initiate and implement programs/ projects/measures to achieve STPs.
Meeting on monthly basis.

Inter-departamental Committee

Members: Departments & Regional Directors
Responsible for implementation of Strategic
Sustainability Targets divided on three pillars
Lead by Sustainability Manager



People & Community

People &

Sustainable business & governance

Sustainable Business &

Other suppporting functions

Supporting implementation of Sustainability Strategy

Marius Stefan
Marius Stefan

Marius Stefan
CEO Autonom

"Since the beginning of Autonom, our vision was to be an authentic business model with a positive impact on the society and the environment. Getting involved in the communities we are part of, through supporting education, is a major component of our organizational culture.

We understand the impact our company might have on the environment and within the community, as climate changes have become a great concern at a global level. It is the responsibility of each, company or individual, to contribute to the creation and preservation of a better, safer, and cleaner planet."

Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj 18433260 Broj registracije J2006000280271
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave