I am so impressed with the level of customer service I received at Autonom Baia Mare that I have to write a review. I have rented cars multiple times from them in the past few months and the whole experience was smooth every single time ( no issues and no hidden fees). You have a great team working for you here in Baia Mare, especially Andrei Morocos. From making the reservation to dropping off the car, Andrei takes care of every detail. Bottom line, great people,good cars and no surprises.
Foarte mulțumit, experienta pozitivă, mașină noua, oameni prompți, plăcuți. Înainte de a apela la dânșii mi-au fost anulate 2 alte rezervări făcute la alte firme care nu răspundeau apoi la telefon, ca urmare apreciez faptul cu atât mai mult comunicarea cu cei de la Autonom. (Translated by Google) Very satisfied, positive experience, new car, prompt, pleasant people. Before contacting them, I had 2 other reservations made with other companies that did not answer the phone, so I appreciate the communication with Autonom all the more.
I had an accident near Baia Mare and I needed a replacement car. As i had already a nice experience with Autonom this was again my first option. I met Horea at Autonom Baia Mare and he handed me a nice Raw 4 Hybrid. Again great services great cars, at the fair price. Honesty, care and kindness...this is what i look for in any service I look for and that s why I choose Autonom.
Este a doua oară că închiriez o mașină de la Autonom Baia-Mare, și am rămas în continuare foarte mulțumită de mașina oferită ,de punctualitatea și profesionalismul lor. Domnul Pop este întotdeauna gata să ajute si să te informeze . Il recomand , firma având un partener de încredere în el. (Translated by Google) This is the second time I have rented a car from Autonom Baia-Mare, and I am still very satisfied with the car offered, their punctuality and professionalism. Mr. Pop is always ready to help and inform you. I recommend it, the company has a reliable partner.
Am avut recent 2 transferuri cu Autonom Baia Mare: unul pe o distanță mai scurtă și unul din Sighetu Marmației până la București. Șoferul (Horea Pop) a fost punctual, flexibil și, mai ales, a condus prudent și foarte atent la trafic, dar într-un ritm foarte bun. Mașinile au fost în stare foarte bună. (Translated by Google) I recently had 2 transfers with Autonom Baia Mare: one on a shorter distance and one from Sighetu Marmației to Bucharest. The driver (Horea Pop) was punctual, flexible and, above all, drove cautiously and very carefully to the traffic, but at a very good pace. The cars were in very good condition.
Am închiriat de la Autonom Baia Mare o mașină nouă, curată, frumoasă și rapidă! Personal foarte bine pregătit și amabil, gata să ajute oricând! Mulțumesc Autonom Baia Mare! (Translated by Google) I rented a new, clean, beautiful and fast car from Autonom Baia Mare! Very well trained and friendly staff, ready to help at any time! Thank you Autonomous Baia Mare!
Nu am uzitat niciodata serviciile lor pentru ca nu am avut nevoie, dar de cate ori i-am recomandat in urma altor pareri ale unor pacienti internationali de-ai nostri, am primit doar laude : masini bune, curate, cu acte si revizii la zi si foarte prompti in relatia cu clientii! (Translated by Google) I have never used their services because I did not need them, but since I have recommended them following other opinions of some of our international patients, we have only received praises: good, clean cars, with up-to-date documents and reviews. and very prompt in the relationship with the clients!
Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj 18433260
Broj registracije J2006000280271
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt
Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave
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