Rent a car Oradea - Brza rezervacija

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[email protected]

Rezervacije 24/7 +40 751 01 07 10

Calea Aradului nr. 4 Bl. 3, Sc. B, Parter 

Great service. We took the Volvo s90 for two days, great car, a bit expensive but the car saves fuel (Kloj and back took Us half a tank). Ive brought the car back, with no problems and with a smile. Thank you
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Iznajmljeno od 2023-04-03

Am calatorit cu Dragos de la Budapesta la Oradea, m-am simtit in siguranta, foarte profesionist, amabil si prietenos. (Translated by Google) I traveled with DragoÈ™ from Budapest to Oradea, I felt safe, very professional, kind and friendly.
Decebal u201cKingu201d Andor
Decebal u201cKingu201d Andor
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-31

Sebastian is very skilled at driving ,we come from China ,and He bring a good experience
angry cuttle
angry cuttle
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-25

A pleasure to work with you Impressed by the team spirit and by customer oriented attitude 🙏 Thanks
Ciprian Martin
Ciprian Martin
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-22

Very happy, Roberto made it easy to collect and return car 🤩🤗
Olivia Barabas
Olivia Barabas
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-18

Roberto e extraordinar. Multumesc pentru toata grija si preocuparea in a rezolva problema mea, chiar daca a fost nevoie sa zaboveasca mult peste program in asteptarea mea. (Translated by Google) Roberto is extraordinary. Thank you for all the care and concern in solving my problem, even if it was necessary to linger far beyond the schedule while waiting for me.
bogdan alexandru Molnar
bogdan alexandru Molnar
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-15

Very nice experience and trustworthy staff.🙏🫡
Alex Porge
Alex Porge
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-14

Confort si profesionalism 100%, alaturi de Dragos! Recomand cu incredere! (Translated by Google) 100% comfort and professionalism, with Dragos! I recommend with confidence!
Karoly Tamas Balko
Karoly Tamas Balko
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-11

Brilliant company. Always helpful and the cars I have had have been brilliant. Will use every time I’m in Oradea!
Craig Kohler
Craig Kohler
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-08

Excellent service, upon arrival car was all ready to leave within 10 minutes. Car was really nice and met my families needs. No issues at all. Quick and friendly service. Drop off was easy too. Special mention for Roberto and Paul who were friendly and polite and helped us with our booking and getting our car ready. Will use again in the future.
KG91 l
KG91 l
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-05

Mașini bune , comode , șoferi super ex:Sebastian Miclaus (Translated by Google) Good, comfortable cars, super drivers ex: Sebastian Miclaus
Luci Bosca
Luci Bosca
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-01

Best driver , Sebastian Miclaus
Kondor Norbert
Kondor Norbert
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-01

Am fost cu Dragos. Foarte profi (Translated by Google) I was with Dragos. Very professional
Nutiu Paul
Nutiu Paul
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-01

Am calatorit cu Dragos! Foarte profi si atent la drum si pasageri. (Translated by Google) I traveled with Dragos! Very professional and attentive to the road and passengers.
Ioana Bei
Ioana Bei
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-01

Great staff, very friendly and helpful. Great cars as well. I definitely recommend!
Paul Gligor
Paul Gligor
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-28

Servicii de bună calitate! Oameni deosebiți. (Translated by Google) Good quality services! Special people.
alexandru corpodean
alexandru corpodean
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-28

Promptitudine, comunicare eficienta, dovada de profesionalism, multumesc Dragos (Translated by Google) Promptness, efficient communication, proof of professionalism, thank you Dragos
Alin Soane
Alin Soane
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-28

Un serviciu excelent! Mult profesionalism si bunavointa din partea lui Paul Stetco. Recomand Autonom Oradea din toata inima! (Translated by Google) An excellent service! Much professionalism and goodwill from Paul Stetco. I recommend Autonom Oradea with all my heart!
Corina Stavila
Corina Stavila
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-27

Vreau sa ii multumesc lui Dragos pentru amabilitatea si profesionalismul de care a dat dovada in oferirea serviciile de calitate pentru vehicul de inlocuire, procedura a fost rapida, am primit masina chiar in aceasi zi dupa ce am facut solicitarea. (Translated by Google) I want to thank Dragos for his kindness and professionalism in providing quality services for the replacement vehicle, the procedure was quick, I received the car the very same day after I made the request.
Iulia Cristea
Iulia Cristea
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-24

Am fost foarte mulțumiți de servicii. Mulțumim Dragoș!Recomand. (Translated by Google) We were very satisfied with the services. Thank you Dragos! I recommend.
Ioana Cosma
Ioana Cosma
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-24

Am primit mașina în prima zi de solicitare,foarte prompți,veseli,optimiști,echipa de calitate. (Translated by Google) I received the car on the first day of the request, very prompt, cheerful, optimistic, quality team.
Nicolae Gyepar
Nicolae Gyepar
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-21

Excelente servici: Adaptat foarte bine la necesitatile ce am avut: Buna masina, posibilitate de doi soferi, utilizare in strainatate. Totul facilitat cu profesionalitate de catre domnul Roberto Danciu. (Translated by Google) Excellent services: Adapted very well to the needs I had: Good car, possibility of two drivers, use abroad. Everything facilitated with professionalism by Mr. Roberto Danciu.
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-19

Promptitudine, amabilitate si bun simt, sunt caracteristicile personalului. Toate cele bune va doresc! (Translated by Google) Promptness, kindness and common sense are the characteristics of the staff. I wish you all the best!
Dan Badea
Dan Badea
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-03

Buna! Am inchiriat o masina de la Roberto Danciu( Autonom). Foarte multumita de serviciile oferite si amabilitatea dansului. Mi-a raspuns la toate intrebarile cu multa rabdare si professionalism. (Translated by Google) Hi! I rented a car from Roberto Danciu (Autonomous). Very satisfied with the services offered and the kindness of the dance. He answered all my questions with great patience and professionalism.
Liana Kover
Liana Kover
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-16

Am inchiriat o masina de la dv avand in vedere un scop deosebit: calatorie atat in tara cat si in strainatate, parcurgere de km nelimitat. Firma dv mi-a oferit exact ce mi-am dorit. De mare ajutor mi-a fost Roberto Danciu...serviabil, prompt, reprezentand firma la cel mai inalt nivel. In final mi-am obtinut scopul in mare parte datorita lui. Cu siguranta o sa apelez din nou la serviciile dv. (Translated by Google) I rented a car from you with a special purpose in mind: travel both in the country and abroad, unlimited km travel. Your company gave me exactly what I wanted. Roberto Danciu was a great help to me...helpful, prompt, representing the company at the highest level. In the end, I achieved my goal largely thanks to him. I will definitely use your services again.
Clarisa Adela Kover
Clarisa Adela Kover
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-16

Foarte profi! Intotdeauna am primit din partea baietilor de la Oradea asistenta, reactivitate si mult ajutor , avand in vedere ca deseori a trebuit sa inchiriem masina de la ei. (avem si contract de colaborare). Imi ramane in minte ca nume Roberto , baiat super amabil si profi, dar, desigur, si ceilalti cu care am interactionat au fost intotdeauna la cele mai inalte standarde. Multumim Autonom Oradea, keep up the good work! Clar va recomand oricui pentru servicii , punctualitate si profesionalism. Sunteti cei mai buni cand vine vorba despre inchirieri masini. (Translated by Google) Very professional! I have always received assistance, reactivity and a lot of help from the guys from Oradea, considering that we often had to rent a car from them. (we also have a collaboration contract). I remember the name Roberto, a super kind and professional boy, but of course the others I interacted with were always of the highest standards. Thank you Autonom Oradea, keep up the good work! I definitely recommend you to anyone for services, punctuality and professionalism. You are the best when it comes to car rentals.
Armando BUNGAU -ORADE1199-
Armando BUNGAU -ORADE1199-
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-15

Profesionalism și flexibilitate! Recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) Professionalism and flexibility! I recommend with confidence!
Florin Ioan
Florin Ioan
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-03

Profesionalism și flexibilitate! Recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) Professionalism and flexibility! I recommend with confidence!
Roxana Tiran
Roxana Tiran
Iznajmljeno od 2023-02-02

O colaborare de succes. Recomand cu drag! (Translated by Google) A successful collaboration. I recommend with love!
Marinela Ion
Marinela Ion
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-17

Merge ca pe roate (Translated by Google) It goes like clockwork
Sava Ioan V.P
Sava Ioan V.P
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-16

Best car rental place in Oradea
Marius Muntianu
Marius Muntianu
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-14

Cei mai buni 💪 (Translated by Google) The best 💪
Iulian 20
Iulian 20
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-21

I can only recommend.
Gabriel Marchis
Gabriel Marchis
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-15

Confort și siguranță, iar angajații (Roberto) foarte amabili. Un transfer relaxant, recomand cu încredere! (Translated by Google) Comfort and safety, and the employees (Roberto) very kind. A relaxing transfer, I recommend with confidence!
Emilia Claudia
Emilia Claudia
Iznajmljeno od 2022-11-01

Masina livrata in conditii impecabile, rapid, la locatia ceruta, la ora ceruta, iar preturile super decente. (Translated by Google) The car is delivered in impeccable condition, fast, at the required location, at the required time, and the prices are super decent.
Mihai-Andrei Iacoboaie
Mihai-Andrei Iacoboaie
Iznajmljeno od 2022-04-05

We have been renting cars at Autonom for years, always excellent cars and impeccable service. thank you.
Ivan Brigido
Ivan Brigido
Iznajmljeno od 2022-03-09

Am închiriat o mașină din aeroportul Oradea și am fost foarte mulțumiți, sigur o să mai apelăm la serviciile dumneavoastră. Vă mulțumim! (Translated by Google) We rented a car from Oradea airport and we were very satisfied, we will definitely use your services. Thank you!
Aida Panait
Aida Panait
Iznajmljeno od 2021-12-05

good service
Federico Banfi
Federico Banfi
Iznajmljeno od 2021-11-09

Good service without any doubt. Perfect location on the airport. Kind employee..Hope, will you see again at next rent in Romania.
Murat u00d6nen
Murat u00d6nen
Iznajmljeno od 2021-10-25

Exelent service, fast and uncomplicated. Personal was very nice, the car was in perfect condicion and super clean. The prices were good too. I highly recommend it!
Fabiana Ruocco
Fabiana Ruocco
Iznajmljeno od 2021-08-11

It has been a real pleasure to deal with your company. The personell (Mrs. Raluca in primis) has been absolutely profesional and cooperative. Just one little remark: when I reached the delivery site in Cluj Airport I have had to wait a lot for the person supposed to receive the car but at the end I have been forced to leave the keys in the dropbox. Just this, for the rest everything went fine.
Ivan Piccolo
Ivan Piccolo
Iznajmljeno od 2021-08-02

Super servicii cu super profesionalisti! Recomand cu incredere. Multumimim pentru intreaga colaborare! (Translated by Google) Super services with super professionals! I recommend with confidence. Thanks for the whole collaboration!
Alexandra Vlad-Radu
Alexandra Vlad-Radu
Iznajmljeno od 2021-07-21

Felicitari pentru profesionalism domnului Sebastian de la Oradea! (Translated by Google) Congratulations for the professionalism of Mr. Sebastian from Oradea!
Adrian Enache
Adrian Enache
Iznajmljeno od 2021-03-02

(Translated by Google) Correct service, helpful staff, fast administration. (Original) Korrekt kiszolgálás, segítőkész munkatársak, gyors ügyintézés.
L. A L. A.
L. A L. A.
Iznajmljeno od 2021-01-10

Excellent client service, perfectly working car, clean and comfy. And they accept AMEX cards!
Paul Cosmin Constantin
Paul Cosmin Constantin
Iznajmljeno od 2020-11-20

Profesionalism este cuvantul care defineste serviciile oferite. Este vorba despre calitatea serviciilor, calitatea autoturismului, amabilitatea si disponibilitatea de a gasi solutii a angajatilor. Si toate acestea iti confera un sentiment placut de siguranta. Da, recomand cu incredere serviciile firme Autonom Oradea. (Translated by Google) Professionalism is the word that defines the services offered. It is about the quality of services, the quality of the car, the kindness and availability to find solutions for employees. And all this gives you a pleasant feeling of security. Yes, I confidently recommend the services of Autonom Oradea companies.
Daciana Toma
Daciana Toma
Iznajmljeno od 2020-10-27

Autonom staff were amazing, the car was perfect and good value for money. I completely recommended Oradea Autonom agency and I will come back for sure. Thank you for everything
Fabrice Nachbaum
Fabrice Nachbaum
Iznajmljeno od 2020-07-28

Car rental office
Alghazali Thaier
Alghazali Thaier
Iznajmljeno od 2020-07-15

Profesionalism si calitate deosebita a serviciilor oferite. (Translated by Google) Professionalism and high quality of the services offered.
Iznajmljeno od 2019-11-13

Am fost foarte multumit. Autoturismul a corespuns , fiind foarte curat si bine intretinut. Recomand cu incredere firma AUTONOM. (Translated by Google) I was very pleased. The car corresponded, being very clean and well maintained. I highly recommend the AUTONOM company.
Bogdan Tomescu
Bogdan Tomescu
Iznajmljeno od 2019-09-10

Highly recommended, will use their services again.
Daniel Secrieru
Daniel Secrieru
Iznajmljeno od 2019-07-08

Excellent service, very professional staff - I would recommend to anyone looking to rent a car! I dealt with Ciprian and George and both proved to be extremely helpful and willing to assist! Good job guys!!
Sorin Stef
Sorin Stef
Iznajmljeno od 2019-05-30

Profesionalism, promptitudine, seriozitate. Având în vedere faptul ca mi s-a stricat masina și a trebuit să găsesc într-un timp foarte scurt o soluție Autonom a venit în întâmpinarea nevoilor mele cu cea mai buna soluție. Multumesc și succes pe mai departe! Recomand cu toată încrederea! (Translated by Google) Professionalism, promptness, seriousness. Given that my car broke down and had to find a solution in a very short time Autonom came to meet my needs with the best solution. Thanks and success onwards! I reckon with all my confidence!
Vlad Cristian Deac
Vlad Cristian Deac
Iznajmljeno od 2019-05-03

highly recommend to those who are planning to rent a car in Romania. Very efficient and helpful managers, great quality cars! We enjoyed our ride in BMW very much!
Olga Belyaeva
Olga Belyaeva
Iznajmljeno od 2019-04-22

I rented a car, it was larger than ordered. Everything worked well. No problems whatsoever.
Der Vorleser
Der Vorleser
Iznajmljeno od 2017-08-12

Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj 18433260 Broj registracije J2006000280271
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave