Rent a car Temišvar - Brza rezervacija

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Rezervacije 24/7 +40 749 03 33 22

Calea Dorobantilor 86

Ela Plesca
Ela Plesca
Iznajmljeno od 2023-03-09

Seriosi, amabili, punctuali, prompti, masina buna. Recomand! (Translated by Google) Serious, kind, punctual, prompt, good car. I recommend!
Pompilia Iulia
Pompilia Iulia
Iznajmljeno od 2023-01-11

Servicii profesioniste si comunicare perfecta cu oamenii din autonom (Translated by Google) Professional services and perfect communication with the autonomous people
Mihai Sercaianu
Mihai Sercaianu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-14

Great Service! Special thanks to Misha and Edi - very kind and helpful. Autonom is very flexible with drop off and pick up times! 5* highly recommend !
Su00f6ren B
Su00f6ren B
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-08

Servicii la superlativ: o echipă de profesioniști, cu atenție la nevoile clienților! De peste 13 ani furnizorii mei preferați de servicii de rent-a-car! (Translated by Google) Superlative services: a team of professionals, attentive to customer needs! My favorite car rental providers for over 13 years!
Florin Dumitrescu
Florin Dumitrescu
Iznajmljeno od 2022-12-03

(Translated by Google) We rented a car for a weekend on schedules that we chose, very friendly staff attentive and attentive. The vehicle was in perfect condition, very good agency! (Original) Nous avons louer une voiture pour un week-end sur des horaires que nous avons choisi, personnel très sympa a l’écoute et prévenant. Le véhicule était dans un état irréprochable très bonne agence !
Iznajmljeno od 2022-10-28

Foarte multumit de masinile Autonom. Am primit upgrade la ultimele doua inchirieri iar amabilitatea si disponibilitatea personalului este de remarcat. O experienta foarte placuta atat in Timisoara cat si in Cluj Napoca. (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with Autonom cars. I received an upgrade for the last two rentals and the kindness and availability of the staff is worth noting. A very pleasant experience both in Timisoara and Cluj Napoca.
Sorin Moraru
Sorin Moraru
Iznajmljeno od 2022-09-21

(Translated by Google) Very well maintained car, technically perfect, taking over/handing over near the hotel was no problem! Friendly staff! (Original) Sehr gepflegter Wagen, technisch einwandfrei, Übernahme/Übergabe in Hotelnähe war kein Problem! Freundliche Mitarbeiter!
Nora Born
Nora Born
Iznajmljeno od 2022-09-05

Autonom surprinde prin promptitudine si profesionalism. Personalul este asertiv si orientat catre client. Cu siguranta voi apela din nou la serviciile oferite. (Translated by Google) Autonom surprises with promptness and professionalism. The staff is assertive and customer-oriented. I will definitely use the services offered again.
Madalin Daniel Rosca
Madalin Daniel Rosca
Iznajmljeno od 2022-08-17

Servicii de cinci stele. (Translated by Google) Five star services.
Florin Solovastru
Florin Solovastru
Iznajmljeno od 2022-08-14

cei mai profesionisti (Translated by Google) the most professional
David Buru
David Buru
Iznajmljeno od 2022-06-23

Simply the best! :)
EVConnect Romania
EVConnect Romania
Iznajmljeno od 2022-06-20

Well maintained fleet, helpful staff, excellent customer care. Have been this way for a number of years, so the company is healthy and going in the right direction.
Dan Jakabhu00e1zi
Dan Jakabhu00e1zi
Iznajmljeno od 2022-03-30

O companie foarte profiesionista si cu customer service excellent. Am avut o problema cu returul masinii la aeroportul Otopeni din cauza unei mici neintelegeri. Am fost sfatuita sa contactez biroul de la sosiri pentru retur, dar cand am ajuns acolo am aflat ca trebui sa lasam masina in zona de plecari - bineinteles ca nu erau indicatoare de rental return cum intri in zona aeroportului sau sunt "ascunse". Acaseta a complicat situatia deoarece aveam mutle bagaje si eram un pic in intarziere. Florin (din cate imi amintesc este numele domnului), de la bioul Autonom a rezolvat problema rapid, si cu multa rabdare. Ne-a insotit pana in fata aeroportului cu masina incarcata si a organisat inspectia. Recomand acasta comanie cu mutla caldura. (Translated by Google) A very professional company with excellent customer service. I had a problem with the return of the car to Otopeni airport due to a small misunderstanding. I was advised to contact the return office for arrival, but when I got there I found out that we had to leave the car in the departure area - of course there were no rental return signs as you enter the airport area or they are "hidden". The house complicated the situation because I had a lot of luggage and I was a little late. Florin (as far as I can remember is the name of the gentleman), from the Autonomous office solved the problem quickly, and with a lot of patience. He accompanied us to the airport with a loaded car and organized the inspection. I recommend this company with a lot of warmth.
Ramona S
Ramona S
Iznajmljeno od 2022-01-10

excellent service, thanks a lot! I felt welcome despite the late hour (2 am), the vehicle was recent and proper, the personnel kind and polite. good job!
Iznajmljeno od 2022-01-03

Schnell & zuverlässig. Had a nice surprise and got an upgrade on the car :) without any additional costs!! Thank you
Andreea Dan
Andreea Dan
Iznajmljeno od 2022-01-03

Serioși și flexibili. Mașini noi foarte bine întreținute, tarife de închiriere reale raport calitate/preț! (Translated by Google) Serious and flexible. New very well maintained cars, real rental rates value for money!
Beatrice Puican
Beatrice Puican
Iznajmljeno od 2021-09-28

(Translated by Google) Excellent service. New vehicle. Easy booking and communication. Nice team! (Original) Excellent service. Véhicule neuf. Réservation et communication facile. Equipe sympa !
Iznajmljeno od 2021-08-26

professional people, with a lot of cars to cover the demand.
Petrica Neamti
Petrica Neamti
Iznajmljeno od 2021-08-09

Profesionisti si amabili. Am fost multumit ca am apelat la ei. (Translated by Google) Professional and kind. I was glad I turned to them.
Adi Cara
Adi Cara
Iznajmljeno od 2021-05-19

Good services at Timisoara Airport.
Andrei Cristache
Andrei Cristache
Iznajmljeno od 2021-05-10

Am fost servit cu amabiliate si profesionalism. (Translated by Google) I was served with kindness and professionalism.
Calin Manea
Calin Manea
Iznajmljeno od 2021-04-27

Foarte multumiti de servicii si de comunicarea excelenta! A fost prima data cand am apelat la acest tip de serviciu si ne bucuram extrem mult pentru ca am ales Autonom. Este o firma de incredere si profesionalismul de care da dovada personalul este la cote mari! Recomand tuturor cu toata increderea. (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the services and excellent communication! It was the first time we used this type of service and we are extremely happy because we chose Autonom. It is a reliable company and the professionalism of the staff is high! I recommend it to everyone with confidence.
Dumitru Antonia
Dumitru Antonia
Iznajmljeno od 2021-02-17

Am inchiriat de multe ori masini de la Autonom. De fiecare data echipa a răspuns pozitiv solicitarilor mele si tot procesul a decurs bine. Recent am inchiriat un Audi Q5 intr-o stare perfecta. Recomand serviciile lor. (Translated by Google) I have often rented cars from Autonom. Each time the team responded positively to my requests and the whole process went well. I recently rented an Audi Q5 in perfect condition. I recommend their services.
Iznajmljeno od 2021-01-08

Ca de obicei..Profesionisti (Translated by Google) As usual..Professionals
Barascu Sorin
Barascu Sorin
Iznajmljeno od 2020-11-06

Preturi ok si prietenosi (Translated by Google) Ok and friendly prices
Iznajmljeno od 2020-11-05

F serioși.
Florin Bufnila
Florin Bufnila
Iznajmljeno od 2020-09-26

Totul a decurs foarte rapid, in 15 min am incheiat contractul si am primit o masina Toyota buna, curata, economica. Multumesc! (Translated by Google) Everything went very fast, in 15 minutes I concluded the contract and received a good, clean, economical Toyota car. Thank you!
Uriel Company SRL
Uriel Company SRL
Iznajmljeno od 2020-09-22

Totul a decurs perfect, echipa competenta si extrem de placuta! Voi apela cu placere din nou la ei. (Translated by Google) Everything went perfectly, the team was competent and extremely pleasant! I will gladly call them again.
Tania Maruta
Tania Maruta
Iznajmljeno od 2020-09-14

Zilele trecute am închiriat o mașină de la dumnealor. Personal amabil, politicos și de încredere. Recomand! Nota 10! (Translated by Google) The other day I rented a car from them. Friendly, polite and reliable staff. Recommended! Note 10!
Nicolae Vasile
Nicolae Vasile
Iznajmljeno od 2020-09-03

My experience with Autonom staff was always positive. They are customer oriented, understanding and kind. Everyone is following the health and safety guidelines and laws (they wear masks - including outside, the cars are clean and in very good working condition).
Adrian Bratu
Adrian Bratu
Iznajmljeno od 2020-08-28

Experienta pozitiva, primire/predare rapida, personalul profesionist, masina ok. (Translated by Google) Positive experience, fast reception / delivery, professional staff, ok car.
Constantin Vartolomei
Constantin Vartolomei
Iznajmljeno od 2020-08-21

Autonom Services S.A Poreski identifikacioni broj 18433260 Broj registracije J2006000280271
Glavna delatnost: Iznajmljivanje i lizing automobila i lakih drumskih vozila, CAEN klasa 7711
Registrovano sedište: Ulica Fermelor br. 4, Piatra Neamt Administrativno sedište: Calea Floreasca br. 131-137, 7. sprat, Sektor 1, Bukurešt
Sertifikati: ISO 9001 11186 / 25.09.2017, ISO 14001 5758 / 07.07.2021, ISO 45001 3926 / 07.07.2021, izdati od strane SRAC CERT SRL
Dozvola za prevoz putnika u režimu iznajmljivanja ATPRI 0002822, izdata od strane Rumunske saobraćajne uprave